Thursday, September 27, 2012

What is Information Design?

Information design has so many different definitions. In it’s simplest form, it is a type of design that people create to help other people. That’s pretty much as simple as I can put it. Of course, the subject itself is much more complex. There are so many subcategories of Information Design, some overlapping, and some having nothing to do with each other.

In the beginning chapters of the book Information Design by Robert Jacobson, I learned about the concept of information design, what different purposes it can serve, and why it is so important. I am also beginning to learn and see how information design is either successful or a failure, depending on its context. In the introduction, Jacobson states:

“Because the success of information design is so context-dependent, there is almost no way to predict scientifically for any particular setting what will work and what will not. Each design rises or falls according to factors that are difficult to replicate: the setting in which the transfer of knowledge occurs, the individuals involved, the medium or media employed, and the original and ultimate purposes of producers and consumers" (Jacobson, 5).

So far, I know what information design is, where it is used, and why it is so important. I also know the many different careers and groupings that are offered under this subject. In the Information Design Workbook, Kim Baer goes more in depth about the career aspect of information design by breaking down the different types of information design that designers are interested in. One of the categories was graphic design. Because I am an Art major with a concentration in Media Arts, I am particularly interested in this category. I knew for a long time I wanted to work in graphic design however I didn’t realize how many possibilities there truly are in this field.

Ergonomics is something I learned about and became interested in when I was actually really young, but as I grew up I became more interested in solely creating graphics for art’s sake, not really for any purpose. In taking this class, my interest in ergonomics has been sparked once again. To be able to put art and information together in a way to help people is something that appeals to me a lot now. I’m excited to continue reading and going more and more in depth on this very complex subject.

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